Network Marketing Secrets: Solidify Your Leadership
How To REALLY Solidify Youreslf As A Leader In Network Marketing
Today I want to talk to you about a very concept you need to understand in network marketing. After all the ranting I've done about investing in your marketing education, creating a solid list of qualified leads and establishing a strong relationship, there's still a lot of work to be done.
It's quite a handful…believe me I know.
But here's the thing. You might have catchy advertisements as you market on Web 2.0 sites or well written articles in different directories, but if you want to establish an instant relationship with your lead without them sitting on your list for months, then brace yourself for a tactic that the top earners use.
If I mention names like Big Al, David Wood, or Todd Falcone, you know these guys. In fact, you might even have some of their products. Big Al's got some awesome audios that he promotes, Dave's got video modules, and Todd has this little black book of scripts. You may or may not have them but you DEFINITELY know about them
And there lies the answer my friend.
These guys took all of the knowledge they learned in a particular marketing strategy and compiled their creativity in order to develop some sort of marketing course.
I'll use Dave for this example since I've personally had the chance to get to talk to him. This guy has created a name for himself on the internet in a little over a year. He has produced the most personally sponsored affiliates in the largest attraction marketing system on the internet and reached the top level of his company in around six months.
Creating a marketing strategy course…sharing value in what he knew was generating leads for him.
If you've gone through my MLM Marketing Makeover Domination Course, you know that it is JAM PACKED with information that can explode your leads very, very quickly. You also know that if you implemented what I showed you in the course, you literally generated leads for free using information that was taught absolutely free.
I'll tell you this much…I was getting a solid flow of leads through various avenues of marketing: articles, videos, social media etc. But it wasn't until I put together a FREE training course that had so much value in it, that I saw a huge spike in leads coming in.
But why offer it for free if you're giving all your secrets away? You might ask. Great question!
What you have to understand in business is that people are naturally skeptical of buying things…that's just the way we're programmed especially when it comes to network marketing (with all the scams and bad rumors floating around). Of course, you and I don't worry about skeptics because we generate WAY too many leads to worry about them and work with the hungry people.
Anyway, when you provide value for free you show people that you're the real deal. You can back up your advertisements that claim to generate leads for their business. You're willing to help people even if you're not sure if they'll end up doing business with you.
Want to know why that's not such a scary thought? Well, if you provide enough value and show people you know what you're talking about, they will WANT to do business with you.
Here's the psychological trigger that occurs once they go through your course:
Doesn't it make sense to work with someone who knows what they're talking about? Doesn't it make sense to work with someone who's willing to give you free advice and NOT just talk to you to get a commission? Doesn't it make sense that people want to work with people that they get to know through the course and grow to trust them once they implement those strategies and see the results for themselves?
Think of your course like this dad giving advice to his son. The dad is sharing his expertise in various areas in life, his experiences and what he's learned in the process. If the dad provides value to his son, his son will be more receptive to what he has to say. Likewise, you should give enough value that people will be willing to hear what you have to say later on.
It's really quite an amazing concept when you start working on your marketing skills and sharing what you know with others. As cliche as it sounds, the good things you do for others will eventually come back to you two-fold.
This entry was posted on Sunday, December 5, 2010 at Sunday, December 05, 2010. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.
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