5 Effective MLM Marketing Tips For Tickle Your Fancy
The Top 5 Tips Every Tickle Your Fancy Rep Should Know To be a Top Income Earner
Tickle Your Fancy was the creation of Jennifer Wilson with other purpose to supply a product line geared towards romance as well as passion products for the more adventurous.
Here are five tips to help you explode your leads and develop a motivated team in your organization.
Quit Using Replicated Sites
Instead of marketing your Tickle Your Fancy site with the website they give to you, you could make your own. Just remember that people absolutely love doing business with people that they like and trust. Can you imagine how many times people have come to your replicated site and immediately clicked away simply because there was no face they could associate with?
Start marketing who you are because that is what is going to attract people to your website and to your business. This method alone can convert a lot more sales and help you sponsor a higher ratio of people into your business, but let's dig even deeper.
Create a Funded Proposal
What in the world is a funded proposal? In a nutshell, it is a series of generic affiliate products that can benefit your leads in some way. Let's face it, not everyone is going to join your business. In fact, statistics say that 90% of people will not join; if I'm not mistaken, that's a pretty high percentage of people that won't join you.
If you start implementing an effective sales funnel, a lot of good things will happen. First, you can get out of the financial hole you dug yourself with the monthly shipments or up front cost of joining your opportunity. Secondly, you create a higher level of trust with your leads and guess what? They might start liking you; that sounds familiar right?
Use Methods That work
As part of the information age, take advantage of all the tools available on the internet. That doesn't mean buy every product or service slapped in your face. I mean stop calling friends and family or even prospecting strangers at the mall. Instead of wasting half an hour trying to convince people to join the network marketing industry, focus your time on marketing to people who have already bought into the idea of network marketing.
Learn To invest in Yourself
There's no greater asset to managing a business than yourself. You ultimately control what happens or doesn't happen within your business. You are responsible for the quality of results you get. So why not improve your greatest asset? Invest in things such as books or training calls that can really open your mind to improve how you market on the internet. It's amazing what a library of ideas can do when you pick and choose what works for you and your skill set.
Set realistic goals
The biggest mistake people make in is that they don't set realistic goals for their business. Just because the internet allows for a speedier process in building your business doesn't mean it will happen overnight. There is no magic button that is going to deliver a seven figure check to your door the next morning without you putting in a lot of time and effort. Give yourself at least three months of consistent marketing so you can see the amount of leads grow over time. After the three months, you can start moving on to other things and build off the momentum you have created for your business.
These are the three tips Tickle Your Fancy distributors should be aware of to become top income earners within the company. The more you stick with this marketing outline, the closer you will get to reaching the financial and freedom targets that brought you into this particular chance initially.
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