You Want Everyone To See Your Business Right? Gaining Maximum Exposure: Part 2

My previous entry talked about the importance of researching keywords and phrases to gain maximum exposure on the internet. I emphasized that the marketer who does their research will get much higher results compared to the marketer who just produces a high volume of marketing products. Now we can take your business exposure to an even higher level. You thought it couldn’t get better right?

This time, I want to talk about social bookmarking. You may have heard of sites like Digg, Reddit or StumbleUpon. You may have thought these social bookmarking sites are for random news articles or videos for the general public and you’re absolutely right! Now all you have to do is thrown your articles or videos in there to gain more publicity. Assuming you’re producing quality content, there’s no reason why your articles or videos won’t gain massive exposure.

What’s so great about social bookmarking? Well, if you can get your content submitted to several bookmarking sites, your content will slowly move up the search engine results. Your content moves up because social bookmarks increase the number of backlinks you have. The more backlinks you have, the more you up move up the search engine rankings. Again, if your content is of quality caliber, people who view social bookmarking sites may end up posting it on their sites and a chain reaction occurs.

Wait Kevin; there are tons of social bookmarking sites on the internet. Do you actually expect me to use each bookmarking service every time I have content to post? Yes I do. In fact, there is a simple service you can use to bookmark your content at the touch of a button. Go to and create an account. You can use their service free if you verify that you have an Onlywire button posted on one of your sites. Next, create an account with each social bookmarking site and save your login information in the spaces provided. Finally, if you use Mozilla Firefox, you can install an add on for Onlywire that is placed at the top of your browser.

That’s it! You are now set to bookmark your content to multiple sites at the touch of a button. After you’ve done your keyword research, you will see your content move up the search engine rankings much quicker once you start gaining backlinks. Remember, the key to moving up search engine rankings and gaining backlinks is through quality content. Don’t be tempted to throw sales pitches in your articles or videos because they will quickly be ignored. Do your research, offer value and make your content fun and personal; that will gain you maximum exposure to your business.

Kevin Tan
Business Swagger