You Want Everyone To See Your Business Right? Gaining Maximum Exposure: Part 1
Posted by bizswagger in keyword research on Thursday, October 22, 2009
There are some people who just work hard. They make videos every day, write articles every day and interact with their social networks every day. Then there are some people who work smart. They do the research on keywords that will allow them to gain maximum exposure on the internet. These smart marketers may not make as many videos or write as many articles, yet they are able to generate more leads than the other group of marketers.
What does keyword research have to do with marketing? When you target words or phrases people are searching for, you are able to appear in search results and have more traffic going to your site. For example, if the phrase “protein bars with a cinnamon twist” was a popular search, you would want to implement it into your article or video description. The more popular the keyword is, the higher chance of you getting traffic to your site.
How do you find these keywords? There are a lot of tools out there to help you find keywords people are searching for; a lot of them are free. I personally use Google Adwords to find mine, but sometimes I supplement it with a few others. First, type in a broad keyword and search for it. Google will give you all the keywords it has that are related to your keyword. From there you can analyze how many searches are occurring on a monthly basis. Typically, the smaller number of searches translates into less competition. What you’re trying to find is a fairly high number of searches with the least amount of competition. That way you get the most traffic.
The next step to conducting your research is to see how much competition you have. Type the keyword you’re researching in Google’s search bar and make sure you put it in quotes. Look to the right and see how many search results come up from that keyword. If there are too many results, you might want to shy away from that keyword unless you’re willing to work up the rankings. Next, look at the Pay-Per-Click Ads to the right. If there are several advertisements there, it means people are willing to pay for that specific keyword and that’s a good sign.
Once you have your list of keywords, you need to implement them into your video or article. You don’t want to spam your keyword everywhere, because it may actually hurt your search engine rankings. More importantly, people stopping by to see your content as less professional and less valuable.
Don’t just work hard, work smart as well. One of the most effective tools of leveraging the internet for your network marketing business is doing keyword research. Stay tuned for part two of maximum exposure.
Kevin Tan
Business Swagger
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