An Awesome Social Media Wordpress Plugin
A Nice Little Social Plugin For Your Network Marketing Blog
In traditional network marketing, we always had to have referrals. Every potential prospect we had was an avenue to the “never ending list” of referrals. We were taught that if you’re not able to do business with someone, at least get some names of people who may do business with you in the future.
There are only so many friends and family that you can talk to about your business opportunity. Creating a list of friends of friends was the best way to avoid the infamous COLD CALLS. I never liked cold calling. It works for some people, but not me…and I admire the people who can turn cold suspects into warm prospects in traditional marketing.
But that’s why I migrated to the internet. Not only is it big and cool with lots of things to do, but it gives me an opportunity to create automatic referrals.
Automatic referrals? Referrals where you don’t have to ask people for names?
You got that right friend. The internet gives us network marketers a way to create an unbelievable amount of automatic referrals for our businesses.
But how do you do it? How can you create such a phenomenon that can completely alter how your business is currently running?
You know, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Digg, Stumbleupon, Reddit, Misterwong, Technorati, Myspace (haven’t heard about them in a while), Google Buzz and so many more. These platforms are beautiful stepping stones to the wonderful world of automatic referrals.
Here’s step 1:
Create a blog post. If you don’t have a blog yet, I highly recommend you host your own blog. Make it original, insightful and maybe even controversial (people LOVE controversy). Make it long enough to really show people that you know what you’re talking about. Use tips and recommendations that have helped you in your experience.
Make your post structured and easy to read. Nothing is worse in the eyes of a reader than a poorly structured article. Smaller paragraphs with concrete ideas are ideal in this. The more jumbled your writing is, the more likely people will pass on your content.
Step 2:
Use pictures to demonstrate the idea you are explaining. This is especially helpful if your topic is more complex or more technically inclined. People of numerous backgrounds will be your audience so make it simple and use common jargon.
Step 3:
Implement Digg Digg. This little plugin is SWEET. It supports a huge amount of social media sites and is HIGHLY CUSTOMIZABLE. Connecting your sites to this plugin makes it VERY easy for your readers to syndicate your material to their teams and you are essentially creating “automatic referrals.” Pretty cool huh?
So how do you use this thing?
I’ll take my own advice and give you a detailed walkthrough to help you.
First go to your plugins section
Next you want to search for “Digg Digg” and Search
Make sure you select the correct plugin (Note the highlighted part)
And finally, watch this video to configure your plugin to your heart’s delight:
That’s it! This is a great tool to really help you get more exposure with each blog post you add. The more traffic you get to your site, the more likely you will have people bookmarking and syndicating your content to their networks.
Automatic referrals aren’t so bad are they?
This entry was posted on Sunday, October 3, 2010 at Sunday, October 03, 2010. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.
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